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Pure Cure Denture Detox®
Instructions for Use

Pure Cure Denture Detox® comes with instructions for use included in the packaging. On this page please find a copy of the latest updated version.


Use only as directed. Read directions carefully before use. Not intended for internal use. Discontinue if you have any negative reaction. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Use only on a denture made from acrylic resin. This product is designed to help remove residual substances from hard acrylic resin dentures only. This product will not harm an acrylic resin denture base if used as directed. If you are unsure whether your denture is suitable for this product, consult your dentist.

Do not use on a flexible partial denture (i.e. Valplast brand) made of flexible thermoplastic resin. If you are unsure of the original material your denture is made from, consult your dentist before using this product.

Do not place denture into boiling or excessively hot water, or warping may occur. Do not heat water by any other method than as directed. Do not heat water on a stove or in a microwave.

This product is not intended to prevent symptoms resulting from allergy to denture materials. If you believe you have an allergy to denture acrylic or materials, please consult your dentist. This product is not designed to alleviate symptoms arising from allergy.

This product can only be used on one denture at a time. Treating multiple dentures in the same solution can be unsanitary and unsafe, and will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. This product cannot be reused—each packet will not work a second time.

Please note that your particular denture may contain materials aside from acrylic resin, and as such, we cannot guarantee your results. We recommend discussing this product with your dentist before using it on your denture.

By using this product, you agree that Pure Cure Dental Technology, LLC is not responsible for any damage to your denture or any health effects resulting from your denture or from your misuse of this product. Pure Cure Dental Technology, LLC is not responsible for instances of the following, whether due to misuse of the product or otherwise: for damage to the denture; for pain or damage to the mouth due to problems with the denture; for issues arising from allergy or toxicity that were not alleviated by our product.

If you are not completely satisfied with this purchase, you can return it for a replacement or a money back refund. The amount of the base purchase price is the limitation of our liability. Please read the Money Back Guarantee that comes with the product packaging or see our 30-day Money Back Refund Policy on this website.

Please read these directions in full before beginning.
1. Select your own clean ceramic bowl or mug to use as a container for the denture, and a suitable cover or lid such as a ceramic saucer. Refrain from using a plastic container if possible. Do not put the denture into the container yet.
2. Clean the denture in the manner specified by your dentist. Remove any adhesive material, denture cream, etc. Set the denture aside.
3. Run clean tap water in sink until very warm (between 120˚ and 130˚), then fill the container enough to submerge a denture. Do not use scalding hot water. Do not use any other method to heat water. Do not boil or microwave water.
4. Place the container onto a level countertop away from children or pets.
5. Place the denture into the warm water in the container. Only put one denture into the container; do not detoxify multiple dentures in the same solution.
6. Select one detoxification packet and place it into the container.
7. Cover the container with a suitable lid and let soak overnight.
8. Store the other packets in a clean, dry, safe location for future use.
9. Approximately 8 hours later, remove the cover, take out the detoxification packet and discard.
10. Remove the denture from the container and set it aside.
11. Empty and wash the container in mild soap. Never drink, gargle, or swallow the liquid from this process. This process is intended to detoxify dentures in the container, not while in the mouth.
12. Rinse the denture in fresh clean water and wash away any residue. Thoroughly clean the denture before placing it back into your mouth.
13. Repeat this process (steps 1-12) for seven consecutive nights.

Updated August 2015